31 Days of FUI Reticle Designs
I've been working over the past two months on a creative FUI design authoring tool called Reticle Designer. You can see videos and images of it in action and learn more about the reasoning behind the app in my three part article series:
- Part 1: Deconstructing the Design
- You'll dig it if you're a UI/UX nerd
- Part 2: Subtle Gamification
- You'll dig it if you like the idea of mixing games and applications
- Part 3: SVG, Flexbox, React, and MobX
- You'll dig it if you're a frontend dev
This article is a small showcase of designs made with Reticle Designer. I'll be posting one image everday in the spirit of @beeple's #everydays, but only during August 2018. I've done a similar #everyday experiment (for one month also) with a wider variety of design output in my 30 Days of Design Experiments article.
Anyway, FUI below or launch the app and design one yourself at the end of the article!